SREDA | National Database of Renewable Energy

Project/System ID Number: 109

Item Name Information
System Name : AVA Solar Mini-Grid Project
System ID : SID # 109
Technology Type : Solar Mini-Grid
Grid Status : Off Grid
Capacity : 150 kWp
Completion Date : 2016-11-16
Present Status : Completed & Running
System Owner : Not Found
EPC : Not Found
Financing Org. : Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)
Inserted by : Md. Rashedul Alam (7)
Creation Date : 2016-09-21 16:02:06
Updated by : Mohammad Rashedul Islam (40)
Modification Date : 2019-07-28 12:47:03
Item Name Information
Implementing Agency : Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)
Office/Program : -
PD Name : Engr. Md. Mesbahul Haque
Division : Rajshahi
District : Rajshahi
Upazilla : Godagari
Location :
Latitude, Longitude : 0, 0
Note :
Expected Energy Generation and CO2 Emission reduction during System Life : 3 GWh, 1 k tCO2
Expected Energy Generation and CO2 Emission reduction till today : 1 GWh, 588 tCO2
Report on the System/Project