SREDA | National Database of Renewable Energy

Project/System ID Number: 4580

Item Name Information
System Name : Two Storied Agriculture with Solar Power Irrigation
System ID : SID # 4580
Technology Type : Solar Irrigation
Grid Status : Off Grid
Capacity : 12 kWp
Completion Date : 2019-06-30
Present Status : Completed & Running
System Owner : Rural Development Academy (RDA) Bogra (41)
EPC : Rural Development Academy (RDA) Bogra (41)
Financing Org. : Government of Bangladesh (GoB)
Inserted by : Md. Ferdous Hossain Khan (270)
Creation Date : 2022-04-25 00:57:29
Updated by : -
Modification Date : -
Item Name Information
Implementing Agency : Rural Development Academy (RDA)
Office/Program : -
PD Name : Md Ferdous Hossain Khan
Division : Rajshahi
District : Naogaon
Upazilla : Niamatpur Upazila
Location : Madhoil
Latitude, Longitude : 24.783899, 88.503544
Note : Action Research Project on Disseminating Two-storied Agriculture with Solar Power Irrigation Technology and its Multipurpose Uses.
Expected Energy Generation and CO2 Emission reduction during System Life : 262 MWh, 124 tCO2
Expected Energy Generation and CO2 Emission reduction till today : 73 MWh, 35 tCO2
Report on the System/Project