SREDA | National Database of Renewable Energy

Report to the respective officials: SID# 6762

Item Name Basic Information
System Name : 24 kWp NEM rooftop Solar system by consumer Chikdai Sharif N, Alam Hights, Prop. Mohammad Abdur Rahim, Father-Late Mohammad Nurul Islam, 156, Cosmopoliton, Bayezid Bostami Road, East Nasirabad, Panchlaish, Chattogram. of Sales & Distribution Division, K
Capacity : 24 kWp
Implementing Agency : Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)
Agency Focal Points : Naznin Nahar Nipu, Assistant Engineer [ Mobile: 01876896054, Email: ]
Eratosh Chakma, Assistant Engineer [ Mobile: 01889205047, Email: ]

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